
Whole development is done on GitHub DietStack organization.

Each openstack service has its own git repository (docker-service_name) and is automatically built and tested on Buildbot server (not publicly available yet). If test of container succesfuly passes, container is pushed to DockerHub

We are working on bigger integration nightly testing with a tempest openstack project.




Simply fork the repostiroy

DietStack consist of several git repositories. The main repository is dietstack/dietstack where main deployment script is located and then separate repositories for each openstack service. If you want to contribute to any repository just simply fork it <>_, make changes, run the and if test passes, create a pull request.

In order to test your changes to any project you need to have main dietstack repository cloned. Then change the versions

Development environment

In order to contribute to development of DietStack you need to have Linux running on your machine. I’m using Ubuntu, but I’m sure that any ditribution where Docker runs can be used for development. Minimal configuration for development is at least 16 GB of ram. Then you need to install following packages:

  • Docker
  • Vagrant with vagrant-libvirt plugin (sudo apt install vagrant; vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt)
  • libvirt-bin and qemu-kvm for virtualization in vagrant
